Certification Process

The International Recruitment Integrity System IRIS Certification is voluntary and only available to private recruitment agencies. To become a ‘certified IRIS labour recruiter,’ applicants (recruiters) need to demonstrate that their management system complies with the IRIS Standard. A management system is a framework that sets out how an organization (ie recruiter) will carry out its business to ensure it meets its objectives (ie complying with the IRIS Standard). It typically involves five elements: (1) Policies, procedures and processes, (2) Communication, (3) Skills and Training, (4) Monitoring and (5) Governance and Continuous Improvement.

The IRIS certification model is based on similar global certification schemes and includes a series of checks and balances to ensure the scheme is credible and robust. A key element of the IRIS Certification model is the compliance and monitoring framework.  The framework is both complaints-driven and occurs through periodical surveillance and re‑certification audits.  This framework is implemented in partnership with civil society, relevant authorities and private sector partners.

Certification Flow: